Sunday 8 May 2016

Before buying that Andriod phone

Six or seven years ago, andriod phones were diamonds- hard to find, and very costly too. Today, one can get a brand new low-end andriod phone for as little as $45. Before joining the andriod commuinity, you might want to consider some factors that will affect which phone you're going to end up with. Many people will have different reasons for buying andriod phones, but these reasons concern every andriod user: RAM: This is one very important factor to consider, before choosing that dream phone of yours. RAM stands for 'Random Access Memory', and this is the memory that allows the phone carry out many tasks at once, without slowly down, or hanging. To explain it's importance, I'll use an analogy: Imagine that you're 20minutes late for school, and you're hurrying to dress up. As you're struggling to put on your socks, you remember that you havent concluded your math assignment. Right there, as you're pulling the socks up your ankle, you start doing the calculations in your head. While you're doing so, mum starts to say some words she wants you to tell someone on your way to school. If you're able to listen to her well, wear your socks, and do the math assignment simulteanously, then you have a high RAM. An andriod phone with low RAM may start to lag when you use it to do many things at the same time. Battery: Next factor, and also very important, is the battery. Eventhough many factors determine how long your battery will last, the screen size of the phone is one of the most prominent factor. Check the rating of the battery, and compare it to the screen size, because bigger screens require bigger batteries. For example, a 2000mAh battery will perform averagely well on a 4inch screen phone, that is, you could manage one full charge, for a whole day, if you're not a heavy user. For a 5inch phone, you may require a battery with a capacity of 3000mAh or thereabout. Many other features exist that should be checked, which include the camera, the brand, the body-build (whether plastic or metallic), but these depend on individual tastes. I may not be after a very clear camera, and you may not mind whether the casing is plastic or metallic, but we all all care if the phone slows down, or the battery runs down too fast. Feel free to share this link

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